wanna make your ponytown skins better? here's some tips from a self-proclaimed expert!

hey, i'm val! you might've seen my ponytown patreon or just seen me sitting around with friends!
i made this to help people with their skins and (most likely) introduce them into color theory!
note that i first made this at 12 am so i may word things weirdly or repeat phrases a lot

when shading skin or hair, do not do this...
it doesn't look good nor is it pleasing to the eyes, ESPECIALLY if its a yellowish color fading into darker colors.

base color

secondary color

instead, here's an alternative way.
it isn't darkened significantly, but it still is darker than the base color, and warmer as well

base color

secondary color

depending on the color, you may want the surrounding colors to be either warmer or cooler. but just use this as a basic key:
red - darker red/hot pink
orange - red
yellow - orangey-gold
lime green - green
green - aqua/teal
aqua/teal - medium blue
medium blue - darker blue
darker blue - indigo/purple
indigo - purple
purple - darker purple
pink - either hot pink or magenta
hot pink - magenda or red

however, when shading natural skin tones, disregard the other instructions and make the skin shading warmer. if it's an abnormal skintone, then shade using the color tips below. here are a couple of examples of this on my own skins!
do not copy my skins.